Meditation course in forest

Well, i thinking for almost 1 month should attend this meditation courses in Kuantan forest anot =] Finally i decide to join and try their way to relax myself, it benefited me greatly.

This meditation consider as traditional Buddhist meditation, taught by many teachers worldwide. However, they have questions like "How will I manage to keep quiet for 9 days?"'s bee 9 days i nouble silence and cannot have any facial expressions with others, ya, is quiet like live in my own world alone and isolation with the whole world :)) but i feel very great by living in these world with only me, is a good trying in life.

Erm, i take vegetarian food for 12days. Students who have completed one 10-day course in the past are deemed ‘old students’. They may not eat fruit or milk-based drinks after noon, so just have breakfast and lunch, no more dinner to take.

My daily schedule: 
4:30-6:30 am Meditate in hall 
6:30-8:00 am Breakfast break 
8:00-11:00 am Meditation in the hall 
11:00-1:00 noon Lunch break 
1:00-5:00 pm Meditate in the hall 
5:00-6:00 pm Tea break 
6:00-9:00 pm Meditation in the hall 
9:00-9:30 pm Question time in the hall 
9:30 pm Retire to your own room–Lights out

During the course, I struggled with posture but made steady progress. Upon returning, I was convinced of the great potency of meditation for stress reduction. Phrases like “mind chatter”, “awareness” and “quietening of the mind” now made sense to me. I was also convinced that there is a path, a series of well-documented steps, towards a goal that I do not fully understand. However, progress towards this goal makes me a better and better person, and that the path has been traversed by many before.

Before attending the camp, I had read some books and some online articles on meditation. After attending these camp, I realized that reading books and articles is so incomplete without actual practice. And after learning meditation in practical terms, I felt no need to read these books any more. I came to understand why ‘knowledge’ acquired through ‘personal experience’ is so valued.

On the whole, the 10-day course is a ‘boot camp’ or a ‘crash course’ that teaches me a lot :)) I believe the teachings are pure and authentic; it is difficult to find such teachers or groups in the world. 

Outside meditation hall..environmental r nature

Everywhere r full of green grassland

Small pavilion for students exercise :)

Staying room ^_^

Meditation hall

Dining hall :)

Just simply taken by me ^0^

Corridor for students walking =]

Before backing home, damn not willing to leave o__O

My schedule of May all full T_T Quiet tired keep going here going there, but feel that my life is enrich n happy right now..need to leave home again more 2days..back here on next month..88  =^_^=

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